
Complicated Financial Questions Require Thoughtful Answers

Have you ever faced a question like:

  • My company benefits include Incentive Stock Options, Restricted Stock, and Deferred Compensation. How do I take advantage of these benefits being mindful of the taxes?
  • My co-workers keep telling me that my 401K plan should be invested 100% in stocks. I am afraid of the market, what should I do?
  • I just inherited a pot of money. All of my friends are offering advice, but what should I do?
  • I am nearing retirement. My company offers a lump sum payout and also a pension annuity. Which is the best choice?
  • My daughter works in my business, but my two sons have no interest. How do I create a plan to treat everyone fairly?

It’s easy to get advice. Everyone has an opinion. But when it comes to your money, making informed decisions matters. When you’re too busy or just not sure what to do, we step in. The more complex the decision, the more we shine.

Want to know how we work and what to expect?

Retirement Done Your Way

Retirement planning is one of our firm’s core strengths. Our experienced advisors have vast experience in 403(b) plans, 401(k) plans, Roth IRAs, SEP-IRAs and more. We build diversified portfolios offering value, growth and stability, while also helping you navigate your Social Security and Medicare options.But remember: the sooner you start retirement planning, the greater your odds of living the retirement of your dreams.

We also offer pre-retirement planning education to companies designed with employees in mind. Center for Retirement Education™ programs can be customized for your organization.

Solo Decision Making

Single men and women face the same challenges and worries, but they think about them differently.  Whether you are recently divorced, have lost a spouse, or just want to go it alone, let us be your “go to” financial advisor.

Our team has faced many of the same difficulties. When you are not sure what to do, or where to turn, we can help you through some of those tough financial decisions.

C-Suite Benefits & Strategies

To maximize your benefit plans, we align them with your long-term objectives. Every employer offers unique compensation packages, but here are just a few of the challenges we can help you navigate:

  • Restricted Stock
  • Deferred Compensation
  • Bonus Plans & Payouts
  • Concentrated Equity – 10b5-1
  • Employee Stock Purchase Plans
  • Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA)
  • Stock Options
  • Alternative Minimum Tax
  • $100,000 Rule

Your Business, Our Expertise

You’ve probably been too busy growing your business to think about what happens next. We help with advice on selling or transferring your business because of succession, retirement, death or disability, with asset protection techniques that insulate assets from creditors. Personalized wealth management strategies can be designed to replace income, manage taxes and provide for your family… all in careful coordination with your external advisors.

Your Investments: Stocks, Bonds & You

Our team of full-time investment advisors deliver a disciplined, process-based approach. We customize a portfolio that’s just right for you by developing a sophisticated, client-specific model that reflects your risk tolerance, goals and needs.

We also include a range of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) options. Or as Wagener-Lee Partner and Financial Advisor Amanda Piper puts it, “With ESG, it used to be that you’d incorporate something that made you feel good, but your portfolio would suffer. Now, there are so many choices to help you align your values with your portfolio.”

Your Life, Your Legacy

You won’t live forever, but your influence can last for generations when you share the assets you spent a lifetime accumulating. We take the time to talk with you about what matters most, and where to direct your savings, whether it’s family members or philanthropic causes. That way, you can be sure your legacy will live on, exactly as you wish, after you’ve gone.

Protecting Your Family’s Future

Part of our financial planning process involves doing an inventory of your key documents, including:

  • Individual life insurance statements and policies and Beneficiary Designation
  • Professional/Association Group & Beneficiary Designation
  • Disability policies
  • Long-term care policies
  • All insurances from employer-sponsored plans

To better assess your needs, we review all of these important documents before making recommendations for additional or supplemental coverages.